Intercom Live Chat Review 2023

Intercom live chat review

In this Intercom live chat review, we’ll take an in-depth look at what Intercom offers and see if it’s the right fit for your business.

Intercom Live Chat is a powerful communication tool that allows businesses to integrate their messaging channels and provide customers with a seamless experience. With this integration, customers can receive real-time personalized replies from company representatives. This makes it easier for customers to get the answers they need quickly and conveniently. Intercom Live Chat also allows businesses to track conversations and gain valuable insights about customer interactions, helping them improve and benefit from their messaging strategies.

Intercom Live Chat

Conversational marketing platform

– Ted Green

Ease of use
Value for money
Apps & Integrations
Reporting & Analytics


Intercom’s live chat enables more than just chat, so you and your customers can get things done efficiently. Solid choice for SMBs and enterprise.


Intercom Features

Intercom Live Chat is an effective tool for businesses looking to improve customer engagement on their services or websites. With Intercom, companies gain access to a streamlined chat interface accessible throughout a wide range of web and mobile platforms. Furthermore, the conversation can be moderated easily with automated customer service responses, ensuring customers get relevant help quickly. Advanced features include real-time translation capabilities and the ability to report user behavior data to optimize customer contact strategies. Intercom Live Chat is an essential resource for any modern business wishing to stay ahead of its competition with customer service excellence.


Intercom Live Chat is designed to make customer engagement easy. It provides an intuitive interface with support for multiple channels, such as chat, voice, and video. This allows customers to get quick answers to their questions without having to wait on hold or send emails back and forth. Intercom Live Chat has a variety of features that help optimize customer service, including automated chat triggers and customizable messages. Automated chat triggers can be set to greet customers as soon as they enter the chat window, direct them to relevant resources based on their query, and even suggest other products or services that may be of interest to them. Customizable messages allow agents to craft unique responses for each customer interaction and ensure that the customer’s needs and expectations are met. Intercom Live Chat also has an analytics dashboard that provides valuable insights on customer service performance, allowing agents to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune their approach accordingly. Finally, with its secure infrastructure, customers can be sure that their conversations will remain confidential. With Intercom Live Chat, businesses can easily optimize customer experiences and ensure that customers have the best support possible.

Custom Chatbots

Intercom’s chatbot builder also helps you engage more qualified leads. It enables you to customize conversations and utilize triggers, such as when a customer visits your website or takes a certain action. These automated messages help lead customers through the sales funnel and make it easier for them to find what they need, quickly.

Plus, with Intercom’s analytics dashboard, you can measure your chatbot’s performance. You’ll have a better idea of which conversations are getting the most engagement and how well it is performing in comparison to other sales channels.

Not only does Intercom make it easier for customers to find what they need, but it also helps them feel valued and connected with your brand. Your chatbot can provide customers with tailored recommendations, send personalized messages, and even recognize when it is time for a human touch.

With Intercom’s chatbot builder, you will have the ability to create an efficient and effective customer experience that helps you build relationships, convert leads, and increase sales.


Intercom Live Chat Reporting helps businesses keep track of their customer engagement. With detailed insights and analytics, it provides an overview of customer conversations, giving users the ability to proactively identify trends and opportunities for improvement. From real-time metrics such as agent activity to summary reports about customer satisfaction, Intercom Live Chat Reporting gives businesses the information they need to make smarter decisions about their customer engagement. Through its comprehensive reporting capabilities, Intercom Live Chat Reporting helps businesses uncover valuable insights that they can use to improve the quality and efficiency of their customer service. It also enables businesses to monitor conversations, assess customer sentiment, and identify areas for improvement — all in real-time.

Proactive Support

Build relationships with customers and reduce their frustration when things go wrong by proactively reaching out to them. With Hands-free Proactive Support, you can automate customer support so that they get the help they need when they need it. Use Product Tours to onboard new users quickly and painlessly, or trigger targeted messages based on custom behavioral and event data, so that customers have access to the right kind of support when they need it. You can also create delightful customer experiences in no time with ready-to-go templates for onboarding announcements, permissions prompting, and more.

Canned Responses & Automated Bots

Resolution Bot is the perfect solution for any customer service team looking to provide 24/7 support. With machine learning capabilities, Resolution Bot can quickly identify and respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner, even when your team is busy or offline. Our easy-to-train automation system allows you to customize Resolution Bot’s responses to ensure consistent messaging and quality customer service. Plus, with it handling the repetitive work, your team can focus on more productive tasks.


With businesses seeking ever-increasing ways to engage with customers, today’s landscape demands a wider variety of support systems. Intercom Live Chat helps fill that need at reasonable pricing. Their basic plan includes features such as automated messages, targeted campaigns, and integrations with dozens of other business tools. Even more advanced plans offer options like 1:1 video chat and complex segmentation, allowing businesses to deliver highly personalized customer service and continue conversations across multiple channels. Intercom Live Chat combines ease of use and value for money in all its offerings, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking to provide customers with unmatched levels of connection.

Are you a very small business? Intercom has developed the Early stage company plan, specifically designed for very small businesses. This advanced package offers all the features of the regular one, with a special discounted price: just $65/month for up to a year. You can sign up here.

Intercom Integrations

Intercom has over a hundred of apps and direct integrations, and an option to connect to third part apps through Zapier.

Some of the most popular integrations are: Stripe, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zapier, Slack Convert, Google Analytics, Calendly, WhatsApp , Stripe, Jira, Segment, Marketo.

The visual builder tool allows you to easily copy and paste code and preview what your app would look like in the Intercom Messenger.

Intercom’s Visual Builder

Intercom Live Chat Integrations make it easy for businesses to connect with their customers in real-time. With Intercom, companies can integrate their live chat systems into various services, from popular customer service platforms like Zendesk and Salesforce to web-based tools like Slack and WordPress. This allows businesses to provide seamless customer support, regardless of where their conversations occur.

Intercom Live Chat is an effective tool to increase sales and customer satisfaction. It allows businesses to communicate with customers in real-time, giving them personalized customer service without the wait. Live Chat makes it easier for shoppers to ask questions or receive help with purchases. As a result, it can encourage more purchasing decisions by providing helpful advice, suggestions and exclusive offers tailored for each customer. Additionally, Intercom Live Chat allows businesses to stay connected with customers even after a sale has been made by offering follow-up emails, live chat support and other customer engagement options. This helps ensure customers remain satisfied with their purchase, ultimately increasing loyalty and lead conversion rates.

In our review, Intercom Live Chat stands out from other live chat software for its powerful features, particularly in terms of the customer data it offers. Its user interface allows companies to quickly and easily access customer information such as transactional history, customer preferences and account status. Additionally, Intercom can use this data to create segmented customer groups, tailoring unique marketing messages for each group in real-time. With tight integration into customer support ticketing systems and automated chatbot responses, Intercom not only makes communication with customers easier but also streamlines tasks associated with customer service. Even more remarkably, Intercom’s sophisticated algorithm uses past chat conversations to provide a personalized language understanding service, making online conversations feel natural and human-like rather than robotic. This feature sets the standard for interactivity among competitors in the industry while automating providing online help with greater efficiency.

Intercom Live Chat Review – The Verdict

Excellent Choice

Intercom Live Chat is an excellent solution if you’re looking for live chat software to increase sales and customer satisfaction. With its easy-to-use interface, powerful features, and excellent customer service, Intercom Live Chat is the best live chat software on the market today. Try it out yourself and see how it can help your business grow.