Free Live Chat for Shopify – Best Options

Free livechat for shopify

If you want to add a little extra customer service to your store, consider adding a free live chat app for Shopify. This can help you communicate with customers in real-time and answer any questions they may have. Plus, it’s a great way to build relationships with your customers. In this post, we’ll show you how to add a free live chat app to your Shopify store. Keep reading to learn more!

Why you should add a live chat app to your Shopify store

Providing fast, friendly customer service is paramount to success in e-commerce. Most customers shop online to save time, so it’s essential to ensure that they can get their questions answered quickly and easily. Adding a live chat app to a Shopify store is an excellent way to equip your customers with the on-the-spot support they need while increasing engagement and conversion rates. Live chat allows you to provide advice, show leadership in understanding customer needs, and respond promptly so customers can handle their issues quickly. In addition, a live chat app will give you insights around key metrics like average response times and resolution rates that can help you review your performance and make improvements on an ongoing basis. By installing a live chat application on your Shopify store now, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in no time!

How to find the right free live chat app for your store

With the rise of e-commerce operations, live chat apps have become essential for store owners to increase engagement and create a more personalized customer experience. Finding the right free live chat app for your store can be a daunting task with so many options available – but taking the time to evaluate each one is worth it in the end. Compare features such as real-time reporting and analytics, mobile accessibility, integrated helpdesk systems and automated workflow capabilities to determine which app is most compatible with your business goals. Combining live chat technology with artificial intelligence can also help streamline processes that generally take up too much of your staff’s time. All these factors can ensure that you get the most out of your free live chat app and enhance customer satisfaction.

There are many free customer live chat options available. These services allow you to provide instant assistance and support to your customers and quickly answer their questions and inquiries. Here is a list of some of the top free customer live chat options:

  1. Olark: Olark provides an easy-to-use interface and powerful analytics to help you better serve your customers. It also integrates with many third-party systems, including Salesforce CRM and Zendesk. If you are using Olark’s free plan, you can have up to 20 chats per month.
  2. Tidio: Tidio live chat is an effective customer service platform that helps businesses create a more engaging and interactive customer experience. With its intuitive design and automated message triggers, it allows you to quickly respond to customers’ needs and inquiries. It also offers a variety of customization options, allowing you to tailor the appearance of your chat window to better reflect your brand. The free plan allows up to conversations with 50 users per month.
  3. Jivochat: With its easy-to-use interface, Jivochat makes it easier for businesses to connect with their customers in real time. The platform also offers advanced features such as automated triggers, chatbots and reporting tools to help businesses stay organized and efficient. Jivochat also provides integration with third-party tools such as Salesforce and Zendesk for further customization. Jivochat’s free plan doesn’t limit the number of chats per month, but the Basic (free) plan has a number of limitations.
  4. LiveAgent: LiveAgent allows businesses to manage customer conversations across multiple channels, automate processes with AI-powered bots, leverage analytics for deeper insights, and extend the reach of their customer experience to mobile devices. With its intuitive user interface, powerful features, and robust integrations with popular third-party systems, LiveAgent is an ideal tool for businesses looking to deliver high-quality customer service in a cost-effective manner. They offer a forever free plan, that has some limitations.
  5. is a forever free customer chat, somewhat limited in features but does its job well. (see our review)

These are just a few of the free customer live chat options available. With these tools, you can quickly answer customer inquiries and provide real-time assistance and support.

How to install the live chat app on your Shopify store

Installing a live chat app on your Shopify store effectively increases customer support and satisfaction. You will be able to respond quickly to customers’ requests, inquiries, and feedback in real-time, creating an efficient and engaging shopping experience. Setting up the app only takes a few steps – first, select the live chat service provider you want for your store. Then, get the provided code snippet from the platform, paste it into your Shopify theme’s HTML source file and click save. And lastly, access the settings from your chosen platform to configure it on your store. With that simple process, you can now provide 24/7 customer support for their shopping journey!

How to use the live chat app on your store

If you have a store and would like to improve customer service, Live Chat is the way to go. Live Chat is an effective communication tool that allows shoppers to get instant answers in near real-time. By integrating a Live Chat app into your store, customers can immediately discuss their questions or concerns. They can conveniently ask questions about products, discover more pricing information, receive feedback on their orders, and much more! Customers appreciate being able to have their inquiries answered without having to wait for someone to respond via phone or email. With this application integrated into your store, customers will be sure to feel more confident when making purchases from your site.

Adding a free live chat for Shopify to your shop is an excellent way to provide customers with the best shopping experience. Live chat apps can answer questions about products instantly, provide personalized recommendations, promote special offers, and more. They also help build customer loyalty and create an environment of trust between buyers and sellers. In addition to providing speedier responses, live chat apps can also generate data that helps you better understand your customers’ preferences and needs. So if you’re looking for a way to streamline customer service while improving customer satisfaction, adding a live chat app should be at the top of your list.

You should now understand the value of adding a live chat app to your Shopify store. In addition, you know how to find the right one for you and install it on your Shopify store.