Customer service

Automation Customer service

How To Automate Customer Service

Ted Green

Customer service is a vital part of any business, and with the rise of technology, customer service automation has become ...

customer care principles
Customer service

10 Principles Of Customer Care

Ted Green

Customers are the backbone of any business. They are the reason why businesses exist, and their satisfaction is key to ...

Customer Care Chat Etiquette
Customer service

5 Rules of Customer Care Chat Etiquette

Ted Green

When providing customer care through chat, it’s essential to be professional and courteous. There are a few simple etiquette tips ...

contact centers KPIs
Customer service Efficiency

How To Define Customer Care KPIs

Ted Green

Before setting KPIs for your contact center, you need to define what you want it to achieve. One crucial factor ...

canned responses customer support
Automation Customer service

45 Canned Responses for Customer Support

Ted Green

What is a canned response, and how does it work? A canned response is a pre-written message that can be ...

reduce call center demand
Customer service Efficiency

4 Strategies to Reduce Call Center Demand

Ted Green

Too often, customer service call centers are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of calls they receive. This can lead to ...

call center quality assurance
Customer service Efficiency

Call Center Quality Assurance – HOW TO SET it UP

Ted Green

Maintaining a high level of quality assurance in your support center is essential to providing excellent customer service. What is ...

6 customer types
Customer service Livechat

6 Types of Customers And How To Handle Them

Ted Green

The Complainer – this customer is never happy and always has something to criticize. How do you handle them without ...

customer service
Customer service

Customers Are Paying For Their Experience, Not Your Service

Ted Green

When it comes to customer service, it’s important to remember that customers are often paying for their experience, not just ...